[webkit-gtk] I want to change style of HTML on run time natively (Inside web core, I am having Element pointer).

85.mukesh 85.mukesh at gmail.com
Fri Apr 26 05:52:28 PDT 2013

Hi ,

I want to change style of HTML on run time natively (Inside web core, I am
having Element pointer). But using Element.setAttribute("style",
"background-color: green;"); is overriding my style but I want to update
the style without changing existing one. Please let me know if any trick is
there to update style.

I tried below things.

1. First get attribute and do string manipulation to add your style and the
setattribute. This method is ok. But so much string manipulation.

2. I am not sure how we can directly handle code inside webcore natively
for below JS code. Element.style.backgroundColor = "green";


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