[webkit-gtk] RFE: wrapping libsoup with some abstract class to simplify custom schema

Muayyad AlSadi alsadi at gmail.com
Mon Apr 5 14:10:40 PDT 2010


see how easy it's to make a custom schema/protocol with webkit and pyqt


I'm looking forward something like this for webkit-gtk

one problem is that libsoup does not have python port


what do we benefit  from having a proxy class for NetworkAccessManager
that wraps libsoup
1. we can move from libsoup to any lib without breaking things (eg.
once upon time webkit used cURL)
2. we can add custom protocols support in yelp eg. man://  info:// ...etc.
3. making mail readers with support for cid:// would be much easier
4. we can make a CHM readers without extracting it (eg. using python-chm)

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