[webkit-dev] DerivedSources.make: Another try?

Darin Adler darin at apple.com
Sun Mar 16 14:23:32 PDT 2014

On Mar 16, 2014, at 2:19 PM, Patrick Gansterer <paroga at paroga.com> wrote:

> On 16.03.2014, at 22:08, Darin Adler <darin at apple.com> wrote:
>> What does shebang have to do with the makefile?
> You can not run a script by "./script" on Windows and you need to invoke it with "perl ./script”

OK. Do we do that in DerivedSources.make? I couldn’t find any examples, but there might be some.

> E.g. at [1] the following line calls makeprop.pl with the --preprocessor argument "cl.exe /nologo /EP":
> grep for CODE_GENERATOR_PREPROCESSOR in the CMakeLists.txt and *.cmake files should show up all other uses.

I see.

As I understand it, this is something we do in our CMake files. Not a feature of CMake, just something needed for the non-cygwin configuring on Windows that we only did to the CMake copy of the rules from DerivedSources.make, not to the original rules in DerivedSources.make.

— Darin

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