[webkit-dev] Feature Request: Dynamic Application Cache

Maciej Stachowiak mjs at apple.com
Sat Nov 17 23:45:00 PST 2012

Feature requests are off-topic for this mailing list (at least, if it's not a feature you plan to implement yourself). This topic for this list is development of WebKit. 


On Nov 17, 2012, at 7:47 AM, sridharn <sridhar.ndroid at gmail.com> wrote:

> Any updates / plans for this feature ?? I do agree with  Stefan on this ..
> I've been banging my head on how 
> to  cache video files using html 5 storage features and there just doesn't
> seem to be a straightforward way 
> (they all are currently intended for small size text / mobile webkit doesn't
> support file system and blah blah) 
> to do that and feel appcache is cleaner way going forward too for media
> files .. 
> Also, mobile webkit (chrome/safari in ios4) don't seem to appcache mp3 files
> (~5MB) .. Is this a known issue ? 
> This should hopefully go away once the dynamic mechanism is added I hope .. 
> --
> View this message in context: http://mac-os-forge.2317878.n4.nabble.com/Feature-Request-Dynamic-Application-Cache-tp173167p200273.html
> Sent from the Webkit mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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