[webkit-dev] Netscape API plugins for WebKit on Linux

Song Yuan song at yuan.se
Mon Oct 8 04:13:35 PDT 2007


I successfully built WebKit based on Qt port on Ubuntu. The "browser"
in Qt window works really fine. But when I tried the test cases in
"/LayoutTests/plugins" that uses Netscape API, none of them works as
expected. I'm wondering how the progress is on WebKit/Qt port right
now, especially regarding plugins that use Netscape API.

Two questions about it though:

1) The source code corresponding to the plugins used in test web pages
in "/LayoutTests/plugins" like the one with MIME type of
"application/x-webkit-test-netscape" seems to be located at
"/WebKitTools/DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn.subproj", which is
organized as Xcode project. Does Qt port on Linux share the same
source code for plugin here?

2) In WebKit on Mac, source code of plugin is built with "Info.plist"
in the same package ("Cocoa Bundle" template) to be deployed in
"/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/" directory. As to WebKit on Linux, which
is the directory to deploy plugin? Is the source code built into
shared object, just like what Firefox on Linux did?

Thanks in advance!


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