[webkit-dev] looking for someone who is in charge with the webkit development in windows

Sebastien Le Faou slefaou at wimba.com
Fri Apr 6 13:58:47 PDT 2007


It's been more than a day that I'm trying to build webkit on windows 
with visual studio 2005.
As you can think, I didn't achieve the all bulding.
So I'm looking for someone who can help me to fixe all the errors I 
Of course, I'm looking for help but I also want to had my contribution 
to this project, if it's possible.

My problems for the moment are :

First of all, I had problems with the ptheads, but I found an 
implementation for windows and now all is ok.

Secondly, in the JavaScriptCore project it was impossible to build 
'testkjs' (I don't know why). As I don't need to make tests, I just 
passed throw this problem.

Finally, I tried to build the Webcore project, but impossible because of 
too many errors like :
error C2039: 'setNativeData' : is not a member of 'WebCore::BitmapImage'

Which seems weird to me, because I saw that this method is also called 
for MAC OS, which as far as I know don't cause any problems to build Webkit.

Nevertheless, I saw that this /setNativeData/ method was remove in the 
BitmapImage.h file in rev #20182.
So I don't understand, why it is still called.

So, does anyone can help me on this, because I really need to build 
webkit on windows.

Thank you for helping me.
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