[wpe-webkit] Several SEGV and ABRT crash dumps

Adrian Perez de Castro aperez at igalia.com
Wed Jan 31 00:22:34 PST 2024


On Fri, 26 Jan 2024 12:25:28 +0200 Claudio Saavedra <csaavedra at igalia.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2023-12-29 at 13:28 +0100, Nils Kattenbeck wrote:
> > Hello together,
> > 
> > After observing several crashes in the past
> > I have recently enabled gathering of core dumps on one of our devices
> > and have amassed a few core dumps over the last few days.
> > These are from several of the WPE projects (WPEWebProcess,
> > WPENetworkProcess, and cog).
> > Who should I best report these crashes to - Github, Mailing List, the
> > WebKit bugzilla...?
> > How can I best help with resolving these issues?
> First of all, sorry for the long delay replying. Holidays and mail
> backlog got in the way.
> The best way to report crashes is to submit a bug report to WebKit
> Bugilla. Use the WPE WebKit component, specify version of libwpe, wpe
> backend, and WebKit, and add a stacktrace for the crashing process. You
> don't need to submit the coredump. Instructions on how to reproduce
> would help and if it's caused by a specific test case, that would also
> help.


A couple of notes more, to make things completely clear:

- You will want to build with "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo" (with
  CMake) or "--buildtype=debugoptimized" (with Meson) in order to have
  symbols in the backtraces.

- Please file a new issue in Bugzilla for each *different* backtrace you
  get; if one issue ends up being the root cause for another we can close
  one of them later as a duplicate, but initially it's better to have them

Thanks for your willingness to help out!
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