[webkit-reviews] review requested: [Bug 53707] Viewport Warning/Error Messages Are Now Inaccurate : [Attachment 82739] [PATCH] Patch and Tests for Error messages

bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org
Wed Feb 16 19:34:09 PST 2011

Joseph Pecoraro <joepeck at webkit.org> has asked	for review:
Bug 53707: Viewport Warning/Error Messages Are Now Inaccurate

Attachment 82739: [PATCH] Patch and Tests for Error messages

------- Additional Comments from Joseph Pecoraro <joepeck at webkit.org>
I don't have the ability to run tests on any of the ports that actually run
fast/viewport tests. Also, there might be something I specifically need
to do in order to enable CONSOLE output in these tests. But the tests
are as follows:

  1: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1,
      no warnings. Works as expected.

  2: <meta name="viewport" content="wwidth=100">
      ERROR: Viewport argument key "wwidth" not recognized and ignored.

  3: <meta name="viewport" content="width=unrecognized-width">
      ERROR: Viewport argument value "unrecognized-width" for key "width" not
recognized. Content ignored.

  4. <meta name="viewport" content="width=123x456">
      TIP: Viewport argument value "123x456" for key "width" was truncated to
its numeric prefix.

  5. <meta name="viewport" content="width=320, height=352">
      TIP: Viewport width or height set to physical device width, try using
"device-width" constant instead for future compatibility.
      TIP: Viewport height or height set to physical device height, try using
"device-height" constant instead for future compatibility.

  6. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0;
maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;">
      ERROR: Viewport argument value "device-width;" for key "width" not
recognized. Content ignored.
      TIP: Viewport argument value "1.0;" for key "initial-scale" was truncated
to its numeric prefix.
      TIP: Viewport argument value "1.0;" for key "maximum-scale" was truncated
to its numeric prefix.
      TIP: Viewport argument value "0;" for key "user-scalable" was truncated
to its numeric prefix.

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