[webkit-qt] Building qtwebkit for mips

Bobby Philip bobbyphilip at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 07:29:23 PST 2014

I have changed my qt configure script to use -release instead of -debug.
When  the build reaches webkit,  I see the configuration printed out:

Final configuration:

Build ......................... webkit1
Configuration ................. debug/release
All-in-one files .............. no
GNUmake ....................... yes
Static libs as shared ......... no
Static libs as thin archives .. yes
Production build .............. yes

Is the Configuration debug/release normal incase I only want the release
version to reduce the size of the binary

Also in the  section
Have .......................... qtprintsupport qstyle qttestlib
qtpositioning qtsensors qttestsupport

Is it possible to selectively disable some modules, for example in my
platform I wont need print and positioning for sure.

Thanks again for your support


On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 10:51 PM, Allan Sandfeld Jensen <kde at carewolf.com>

> On Wednesday 03 December 2014, Bobby Philip wrote:
> > Thank you for the quick response.
> > Sorry for the novice question,  but how can I turn off the debug build.
> Is
> > this something from the qt configure script which will get propagated to
> > webkit build, or something inside webkit?
> >
> You configure Qt with either -debug or -release to get respectively debug
> and
> release build. In addition you can configure release builds with
> -force-debug-
> info and -separate-debug-info to generate separate debug-info libraries for
> release builds.
> `Allan
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