[webkit-qt] how to shrink distribution, if possible?

Richard Gerd Kuesters richard at humantech.com.br
Mon Oct 28 03:14:12 PDT 2013

Thanks again. I'll look into somethings we don't really use (and don't 
pretend to do so) and rip them off as my app keeps on running, lol.


On 10/27/2013 10:03 AM, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
> 27.10.2013, 02:17, "Richard Gerd Kuesters" <richard at humantech.com.br>:
>> Thanks again Konstantin!
>> I think my best hope is based on what you glimpsed while pondering about SVG support on Webkit: compiling Qt submodules one by one, using the switches I might need and other that don't - doing so in a extreme fast machine (SSD raid and so on) with basic automatic functionality tests, could give me a very good result in a couple of days (using config parsing switches scripts). It would be awesome to provide a barely minimal and downsized package for mobile clients (which I'm now focused), as an example.
> Most of shrinking can be done deterministically: if you don't need to open TIFF images, remove TIFF plugin; if you don't use QtSql, get rid of it; etc. Also make sure you are using size optimization of compiler. Even if you don't disable SVG in WebKit, you don't need QtSvg and corresponding imageformat plugin - WebKit's implementation of SVG is independent and much more complete.

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