[webkit-qt] how to shrink distribution, if possible?

Richard Gerd Kuesters richard at humantech.com.br
Mon Oct 28 03:13:03 PDT 2013


Thanks again, and a lot! I'll try to compile Webkit 2.3, ICU aside will 
decrease in 20Mb my app :)

My best regards,

On 10/27/2013 09:46 AM, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
> 27.10.2013, 02:17, "Richard Gerd Kuesters" <richard at humantech.com.br>:
>> Thanks again Konstantin!
>> I think my best hope is based on what you glimpsed while pondering about SVG support on Webkit: compiling Qt submodules one by one, using the switches I might need and other that don't - doing so in a extreme fast machine (SSD raid and so on) with basic automatic functionality tests, could give me a very good result in a couple of days (using config parsing switches scripts). It would be awesome to provide a barely minimal and downsized package for mobile clients (which I'm now focused), as an example.
>> One thing I was thinking: is there any ICU flag that I could disable during compiling that doesn't affect Webkit behaviours? I'm asking this because after (or even) webkit's own lib, ICU's the bigger one (~21Mb in Windows -- I'm still working to get it's release lib on mobile).
> The largest thing in ICU is internationalization data. Depending on target audience of your application, you may want to remove data for some locales - look into ICU documentation how to prepare custom .dat file. There may also be kinds of data unused by WebKit - maybe currencies or timezones, though I don't know for sure.
> BTW, QtWebKit 2.3 does not depend on ICU - you may want to use it, or forward-port code replacing ICU to your QtWebKit version.

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