[webkit-qt] progressive rendering in a QML browser

Olivier Tilloy olivier at tilloy.net
Thu Apr 4 03:25:01 PDT 2013

Olivier Tilloy a écrit :
> […]
>> Just quickly ran a test with MiniBrowser on my desktop and for me with a
>> clean cache even heavy pages like nytimes.com <http://nytimes.com> start
>> to render when the progress bar is at about 50% completion. Although
>> this probably varies depending on network and HW speed.
>> This is comparably similar behaviour as you would experience with Safari
>> on Mac.
> Thanks for the heads-up! So this means my build of QtWebKit somehow is
> to blame.
> I’m using libqt5webkit5-qmlwebkitplugin
> 5.0.0-0ubuntu1~quantal1~test5~withdebug~gstabs~patches (from
> https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-proper) in
> Ubuntu 12.10, which according to the source package is based off trunk
> subversion revision 136242.

A heads-up on my ongoing investigation of the issue: packages built from 
trunk (tested on 2013-03-28) work well, i.e. pages start rendering while 
still loading, whereas packages built from the latest release branch 
(git://gitorious.org/qt/qtwebkit.git, being prepared for 5.1.0) still 
exhibit the issue, i.e. pages are not rendered until fully loaded.

So the problem persists in 5.0.1 and above, but has somehow been fixed 
in trunk. If I read the history of the release branch correctly, the 
latest import from trunk was revision 
6a4a1d32e1d779548c726c4826cba9d69eb87601 (svn 136242), on 2012-11-30.
Which makes me think that the issue (regression?) was fixed sometime 
between 2012-11-30 and 2013-03-28 in trunk (roughly 10000 commits).

Any hint where I should be looking for what possibly fixed the issue?

Do others observe the same issue with 5.0.1?



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