[webkit-qt] QtWebKit and QtCreator

noam.rosenthal at nokia.com noam.rosenthal at nokia.com
Fri Mar 9 07:33:49 PST 2012

Qt Creator doesn't deal with optional #ifdef blocks very well; It's been that way for ages.

Though it's possible to fix it by using the special directive Q_CREATOR_RUN;
If someone wants to try to fix it, I think it would make a lot of people happy.

On Mar 9, 2012, at 7:14 AM, ext david.corvoysier at orange.com<mailto:david.corvoysier at orange.com> wrote:


When I open the QtWebKit project into QtCreator (using the top level WebKit.pro), it seems that I only get symbols contained in files unconditionnally added to the project, and not symbols related to a specific feature (like video for instance).

I tried several things to make selected options available to QtCreator:
- build the project once using build-webkit, then specify the WebKitBuild directory as a shadow build (as specified in a previous mail on this list)

- export the QMAKEPATH=$MYDIR/Tools/qmake variable in the project environment
- add special DEFINES+= directives to the project qmake args

But I still can't get the symbols related to my selected options …

What am I doing wrong ?


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