[webkit-qt] Web Inspector troubles with Qt 4.8.x and Qt 5 Betas and other stuff

Rethmeier, Eike eike.rethmeier at wincor-nixdorf.com
Fri Dec 7 01:09:23 PST 2012

Hi guys,

currently we are using/evaluating Qt and QtWebKit and run into trouble with the Web Inspector. I described the problem in this forum:

http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/22262/  "Web Inspector (still) does not work (even worse with Qt 5 Beta 2)"

Unfortunately the whole bug tracking and the splitting of the sources over various git projects and undocumented use of different git trunks is quite confusing for newbies (apart from the seemingly dead http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/QtWebKit site).

So, where shall I post my problem? There are several options:

Which is the right place?

By the way, three more strange things we encountered:

-          QTWEBKIT_VERSION_STR reports "2.2.0" with QT5 Beta 2, although it was "2.2.3" with Qt 4.8.3....?!?

-          The bridge from JS to a C++ slot changed when passing JSON objects: with Qt 4.x JSON objects could be interpreted as QVariantMaps in the C++ slot. With Qt 5 Beta JSON objects become a string '[Object] [object]' in the C++ slot)

-          Audio and Video may be supported, however no codecs are supported. Maybe that's just a problem of a lacking documentation.

What do we do with these issues? I would be glad if you could give me directions.

Best regards,

Eike Rethmeier
Software Developer
Banking Division Software Development
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