[webkit-qt] MiniBrowser and QtTestBrowser Fail to load https pages

Andras Becsi abecsi at webkit.org
Sat Aug 4 02:03:32 PDT 2012


If both MiniBrowser and QtTestBrowsers fails loading https pages ("SSL
Handshake Failed") that could indicate that your Qt5 wasn't built with
openssl which could happen if you miss some openssl development
packages on your system when building Qt5 (check the config test in

For the other question: since certificateValidationDialog is an
experimental feature it can certainly not be considered stable but I
think it should work the way you tried to use it.


On 3 August 2012 23:52, Sravan <sra1sandela at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> In the process of designing a UI to support certificate Validation i found
> few APIs of QQuickWebViewExperimental(QQmlComponent*
> certificateValidationDialog) that seem to be implementing this.
> But when i try to see the default response of a qt5 webkit2 browser on
> loading a https://xyz.com i see MiniBrowser and QtTestBrowser fail with
> different messages
> MiniBrowser fails to load with message: "Failed to Load xyz.html"
> QtTestBrowser fails : "SSL Handshake Failed"
> So, i just wanted to know
> 1. if this certificateValidationDialog API is really implemented?
> 2. Is there any qt browser which does this?
> 3. If not what all am i supposed to do to implement this UI Feature.
> P.S: I thought certificateValidationDialog is stable and tried to implement
> a Dialog in qml as an item and pass it to this API using following code in
> main.qml
> import QtWebKit.experimental 1.0
> Rectangle {
> id: root
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> experimental.certificateVerificationDialog: CertificateVerificationDialog{ }
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> }
> and then write CertificateVerificationDialog.qml as a component.
> But i am not sure if just implementing a CertificateVerificationDialog.qml
> is going to be sufficient. Please let me know what am i supposed to do get
> it working.
> Thanks in anticipation.
> -Sravan.
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