[webkit-qt] webkit on Mips (Caught signal 11 (at (nil), invalid address)

Harsha Buruganahalli Harsha.Buruganahalli at pace.com
Mon Apr 30 10:35:22 PDT 2012


I am using webkit(r49229) + directfb(1.4.5) + qt(4.5) on a mips platform & facing issues with "Caught signal 11 (at (nil), invalid address". Debugging on this by allocating more memory did not solve the issue.

Wonder where exactly I can have to look at this in the webkit folders for a fix? Can someone at least set some pointes on what could be the issue? Or are there some configure options which I am missing?


    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| DirectFB 1.4.5 Phase 2.0 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        (c) 2001-2010  The world wide DirectFB Open Source Community
        (c) 2000-2004  Convergence (integrated media) GmbH

(*) DirectFB/Core: Multi Application Core. (2012-04-30 15:30) [ DEBUG ]
(*) Fusion/SHM: Using MADV_REMOVE (forced)
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Fusion Dispatch' (1176) [MESSAGING OTHER/OTHER 0/0]
*** 00:00:00.033 pl*** 00:00:01.360 nexus_platform: atform_init: InvRelease 9742
0 6.5 alid "gfx_heap_s
ize" value speci### 00:00:01.368 nexus_platform_rts: fied - must be 4WROTE RTS f
or MEMC_0 clients
k aligned roundi
ng down to 39997### 00:00:01.379 nexus_platform_rts: 440 bytes.

WROTE RTS for MEMC_1 clients

*** 00:00:01.390 BCHP_PWR: BCHP_PWR power management disabled
*** 00:00:01.397 interruptinterface_7420: BINT_P_7420_ClearInt: NOT clearing int
errupt status for timer 0

### 00:00:01.407 nexus_platform_os: Pace: not connecting Nexus interrupt for MC
!!!Error -1(0xffffffff) at /export/home/burugah1/DFB10/Thirdparty/siliconvendor/
*** 00:00:01.434 BMRC_MONITOR: ARC0 is protecting low memory for range 0x0...0xb
500100 (181 MB)
*** 00:00:01.452 nexus_video_decoder: FW download used
*** 00:00:01.644 BXVD: BXVD_Open() - Firmware revision: 150333
*** 00:00:01.649 nexus_video_decoder: FW download used
*** 00:00:01.787 BXVD: BXVD_Open() - Firmware revision: 150333
*** 00:00:01.793 bkir: BKIR_DisableAllIrDevices Write32(406614, 20)
*** 00:00:01.799 bkir: BKIR_DisableAllIrDevices Write32(406654, 20)
*** 00:00:01.805 bkir: BKIR_DisableAllIrDevices Write32(406694, 20)
*** 00:00:01.811 nexus_audio_module: FW download used
*** 00:00:01.957 nexus_platform_config: softI2c = false
*** 00:00:01.978 BHDM_EDID: Unknown Tag <0> found in Descriptor 4; continue...
*** 00:00:02.027 nexus_frontend_3255:  waiting for 3255 booting up!
*** 00:00:02.039 BHDM: CEC Interrupt (0x6)!
*** 00:00:02.044 nexus_frontend_3255:  RPC is initialized between 3255 and 740x
*** 00:00:02.139 nexus_platform: initialized
*** 00:00:00.813 stb_init: Display heap: size 131072kB - free 85210kB - largest
block 85205kB
*** 00:00:00.813 stb_init: Offscreen heap: size 131072kB - free 131072kB - large
st block 131072kB
*** 00:00:02.194 nexus_hdmi_output: Using CEA-861 Video ID 4 (HD) instead of Pre
ferred VESA format
*** 00:00:02.203 BHDM_EDID: BFMT_VideoFmt_eNTSC             720 x  480 i NOT SUP
PORTED by attached <VIDEOCON TV> receiver
*** 00:00:02.214 nexus_video_output: Video format 1 does not seem to be supporte
d by attached HDMI receiver.
*** 00:00:02.258 BHDM: Waiting to transition to HDMI mode... 000CB009 0
*** 00:00:02.281 BHDM: HDMI Output Mode: HDMI (Audio+Video)
*** 00:00:02.287 BHDM: BHDM_SetAvMute called while display is disabled
*** 00:00:02.296 BHDM: CEC Interrupt (0x6)!
*** 00:00:02.302 BHDM: Recentering Drift FIFO
*** 00:00:02.309 BHDM: BHDM_SetAvMute called while display is disabled
*** 00:00:02.316 BHDM_EDID: BFMT_VideoFmt_eNTSC             720 x  480 i NOT SUP
PORTED by attached <VIDEOCON TV> receiver
*** 00:00:02.328 nexus_hdmi_output: Using CEA-861 Video ID 4 (HD) instead of Pre
ferred VESA format
*** 00:00:00.977 stb_init: HDMI hotplug event: connected
*** 00:00:00.977 stb_init:
Current form*** 00:00:02.345 nexus_hdmi_output: at not supportedUsing CEA-861 Vi
deo ID 4 (HD) instead of Preferred VESA format by attached mon
itor. Switching *** 00:00:02.358 nexus_hdmi_output: to preferred nexUsing CEA-86
1 Video ID 4 (HD) instead of Preferred VESA formatus format 34

*** 00:00:02.371 BHDM: BHDM_SetAvMute called while display is disabled
*** 00:00:02.425 BHDM: HDMI Output Mode: HDMI (Audio+Video)
*** 00:00:02.430 BHDM: BHDM_SetAvMute called while display is disabled
*** 00:00:02.444 BHDM: Recentering Drift FIFO
*** 00:00:02.451 BHDM: BHDM_SetAvMute called while display is disabled
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Hotplug with Linux Input' (1186) [INPUT OTHER/OTHER
0/0] <2093056>...
(*) DirectFB/Input: Hot-plug detection enabled with Linux Input Driver
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'BDFB_Irfra' (1187) [DEFAULT OTHER/OTHER 0/0] <209305
(*) DirectFB/Input:  3.0 (Broadcom BSE)
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'BDFB_Keypad' (1188) [DEFAULT OTHER/OTHER 0/0] <20930
(*) DirectFB/Input:  3.0 (Broadcom BSE)
(*) DirectFB/Gra*** 00:00:02.777 nexus_hdmi_output: phics: Broadcom Using CEA-86
1 Video ID 4 (HD) instead of Preferred VESA formatCorporation bcmn
exus_gfx 3.3 (Broadcom Corporation)
*** 00:00:02.817 nexus_hdmi_output: Using CEA-861 Video ID 4 (HD) instead of Pre
ferred VESA format
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'BRCM FrameBuffer 0' (1189) [OUTPUT OTHER/OTHER 0/0]
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'BRCM FrameBuffer 1' (1190) [OUTPUT OTHER/OTHER 0/0]
(*) DirectFB/Core/WM: Default 0.3 (directfb.org)
/broadcom/webbrowser/tmp/WebKitTools/OWBLauncher/Customer/Mangareva/main.cpp <40
        (#) DirectFBError [dfb->GetInputDevice (dfb, DIDID_KEYBOARD, &keyboard)]
: Requested ID not found!
/broadcom/webbrowser/tmp/WebKitTools/OWBLauncher/Customer/Mangareva/main.cpp <40
        (#) DirectFBError [dfb->GetInputDevice (dfb, DIDID_MOUSE, &mouse)]: Requ
ested ID not found!
progress : 11
progress : 13
progress : 16
progress : 18
progress : 21
progress : 23
progress : 26
progress : 28
progress : 31
progress : 34
progress : 36
progress : 39
progress : 40
progress : 45
(!) [ 1138:   16.006] --> Caught signal 11 (at (nil), invalid address) <--
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [still objects in 'Window Pool'] *** [object.c:241 in fusion
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [still objects in 'Layer Region Pool'] *** [object.c:241 in
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [still objects in 'Layer Context Pool'] *** [object.c:241 in
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [still objects in 'Surface Pool'] *** [object.c:241 in fusio
*** 00:00:19.183 BMRC_MONITOR: ARC0 is protecting low memory for range 0x0...0xb
94ce00 (185 MB)
*** 00:00:19.193 BMRC_MONITOR: ARC0 is protecting low memory for range 0x0...0xb
981000 (185 MB)
*** 00:00:19.203 BMRC_MONITOR: ARC0 is protecting low memory for range 0x0...0xb
a66200 (186 MB)
BUG: spinlock lockup on CPU#0, browsertest/1138, e2393f34

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