[webkit-qt] [Checklist Report] Week 9

Alexis Menard alexis.menard at openbossa.org
Thu Mar 3 05:25:31 PST 2011

On Monday 28 February 2011 16:42:19 Alexis Menard wrote:
> Hello here is the report of the checklist.
> Machine : Windows XP
> Qt : 27f6164ecc50546ef31e17e57ea528aabcd6808a
> Qt Mobility 1.1 : 97e72c5a1a96508dc456e68ab760595087374fe2
> WebKit : 79686
> Gmail : It hangs. I think everything related to SSL was not working.
> Is there something to do on Windows? It seems the plugins are not
> picked. I'm wondering how you guys run the test browser? You copy all
> dlls of QtMobility and Qt?

Well I figure out that it was my Qt setup wrong. On windows building with SSL 
support is just pain. Everything is green.

> Youtube.com : Flash worked as expected with sound.
> Youtube.com : HTML5 Video : Not working at all (like any other platforms).


> http://imgur.com : work as expected
> http://www.html5rocks.com/  : did the slideshow (there was a small
> tearing). For the Audio/Video slide : audio worked as expected but not
> the video.
> http://mugtug.com/sketchpad/ : work as expected.
> Will open bugs.

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