[webkit-qt] qtwebkit build issue

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Mon Jan 31 00:46:08 PST 2011

29.01.2011, 00:15, "luying pan" <luying.pan at gmail.com>:
> I figured it out. You have to replace gcc and g++ in with gcc44 and g++44 in mkspecs/common/g++.conf file in your qt install so that qmake will generate all the Makefiles properly.

It's a dirty hack interfering your Qt installation. I'd recommended you to create separate mkspec (e.g., mkspecs/linux-g++44) and change QMAKE_CC and QMAKE_CXX there (or simply use build script like "build-webkit --qt QMAKE_CXX=gcc44")


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