[webkit-qt] QtWebKit visual studio solution

Jocelyn Turcotte jocelyn.turcotte at nokia.com
Wed Nov 24 01:09:02 PST 2010


Normally --qmakearg has no "s" at the end and that you have to add "=" 
between --qmakearg and its value.
I corrected the doc on the wiki.
The results should end up by default in WebKitBuild/Release, and 
WebKit.sln should be there.

If you still have difficulties, here is part of a batch file I use to 
generate VS files outside the source tree. The result will end in the 
current directory. You might have to tweak it but this should give you 
an idea:

qmake -r <RelativePathToWebKitSources>\DerivedSources.pro -o 
nmake -f Makefile.DerivedSources generated_files
qmake -r -tp vc <RelativePathToWebKitSources>\WebKit.pro

Please note as well that dependencies between projects in the solution 
aren't always generated correctly from the qmake files. You might have 
to right-click and build the QtWebKit project first in the solution and 
then building the whole solution should work.


On 11/24/2010 2:12 AM, ext Baldeva, Arpit wrote:
> Hi,
> I am able to build QtWebKit successfully using the instructions 
> provided here - http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/BuildingQtOnWindows . 
> Thanks for the detailed instructions.
> I am currently building through the scripts but would like to generate 
> a visual studio solution.  I tried the instructions from the link 
> mentioned above (pasted below) but did not succeed. Worst, I ended up 
> corrupting something in the WebKit source copy on my machine and I 
> could no longer build(running in some strange errors). The workaround 
> for me was to download the WebKit code to a new location on my hard 
> drive and build from there.
> Instructions -
> >>If you want to generate MSVC project files (e.g. so that you can 
> debug/work from within MSVC) you can do it with the following steps
>    1. Run perl WebKitTools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt and cancel the
>       script after the derived sources are all generated
>    2. Run perl WebKitTools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt --qmakeargs "-tp
>       vc". This will generate MSVC project files and than it will fail
>    3. Open WebKit.sln from MSVC and build from MSVC. Build should
>       succeed and you should be able to debug and work from within MSVC.
> <<
> I did 1. The step 2 did not do anything I believe because it failed to 
> recognize “–qmakeargs” option. There is also no indication of where I 
> should look for WebKit.sln. The output directory seems the obvious 
> place but I did not find it. So seems like something did not go right 
> in step 1 or 2.
> Is there an easier way to achieve this?
> I appreciate any help.
> Thanks.

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