[webkit-qt] Qt JSC ARM test hardware

Ariya Hidayat ariya.hidayat at gmail.com
Sat Jan 23 16:54:04 PST 2010

> Fortunately, we have a better device for this purpose. The N8xx
> and N900 are not very suitable for benchmarking. Currently the
> benchmark runs on a dedicated Cortex-A8 board with 512 Mb memory.
> In additional, we are going to set up a similar board for ARM-Qt
> buildbot as well. We are almost there to show it. ;)

Hi Gabor, thanks for the info.

Maybe time to update http://www.sed.hu/webkit/?page=techdetails with
this information? Probably along with detailed descriptions of
processor speed and family model, would be lovely to those who are
into ARM hacking :)

Ariya Hidayat

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