[webkit-qt] QTWebkit capabilities

Madhu Kumar mk17cs at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 17 10:29:10 PDT 2010


I am bit new to QT and don’t have full idea of its capabilities. I request you to help me in understanding the same.

I am in the process of writing an application which will use a web
renderer engine (a dll) and a session manager to manage
session/connection (a dll) with the server. The main idea is to do off-screen rendering.

I would like my renderer engine to give a buffer (RGB) of the web page it
gets from the server (HTML/flash) to the application. After doing lot
of google search, I came to know that it is possible by using QTWebkit
(though not clear of the ‘How’ part). 

What I would like to know is, 
1) Is it possible to get the buffer of the web page, that would be rendered, using QTWebkit. I don't want to render it directly and would be doing off-screen rendering. Would you please help me achieving this.

2) Does QTWebkit support flash? I mean if the content from the server
contains the flash data, would it be possible to take the snapshot of
that and give the bmp file using QTWebkit?

3) Does QT and QTWebkit has mechanisms to handle mouse and keyboard events if the event information is available through shared memory? Please guide me to links/sample code.

4) Where to get the information about QTWebkits performance compared to say IE? Do we have any benchmark numbers? Where to get these information?

Please do the needful. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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