[webkit-qt] QtWebKit, QtWebKit 2 and... WebGL

Ivan De Marino ivan.de.marino at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 11:14:46 PDT 2010

Ivan De Marino.

I had to discontinue a bit my "daily following" of the status of QtWebKit,
and I know that a "non-branching" just happened, where QtWebKit now become a
separate module with a life of it's own.

Just to clarify quickly:
1) Is now QtWebKit named "QtWebkit 2.0"?
2) What do I actually get in the qt repository "4.7" from gitorious? An old
3) I read that between the features of QtWebKit there is "WebGL": is already
there? how could I get it into my 4.7 hand-compiled version of Qt?
4) Am I asking stupid questions and there is a webpage with all the details
on it? :D

Thank you very much in advance for any clarification.

I must admit: moving to Qt development in my daily job is possibly the most
exciting thing ever happened in this office ;)


Ivan De Marino | Software Engineer | France Telecom R&D UK - Orange Labs
w. +44 20 8849 5806 | m. +44 7515 955 861 | m. +44 7974 156 216
ivan[dot]demarino[at]orange-ftgroup.com |
www.detronizator.org | www.linkedin.com/in/ivandemarino
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