[webkit-help] Webkit2 debugging on MAC using Xcode

Benjamin Poulain benjamin at webkit.org
Wed Oct 2 12:51:29 PDT 2013

On 10/2/13 2:07 AM, Abhijeet Kandalkar wrote:
> I want to debug webkit2 on MAC using Xcode. I tried to follow the
> instructions give on
> http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/Debugging%20the%20WebKit2%20Web%20Process
> but it seems that instructions are very old.
> I even do not find the safari.xcodeproj in latst webkit source code.
> Could you please help me to debug webkit code.

The WebKit2 architecture is split over several processes, it really 
depends which one you want to debug.

If you are debugging the UIProcess, you can simply run the embedding 
application from Xcode like any other app.

If you want to debug one of the other processes, the simplest solution 
is to run the app and attach to the process with Xcode (method #2 on the 
page you linked).

That's the basic setup. If you can be more specific about the problem 
you encounter I may be able to give better advices.


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