[webkit-help] Build webkit.dll failed on VS2005 sp1, please help me solve this problem.

Toan Pham talanhat at gmail.com
Sun Sep 12 23:41:28 PDT 2010

Hi all, iam trying to build webkit,

I have got and update the latest of webkit source.

I have install cygwin, update VS2005 to sp1, install platform SDK.

I also add all necessaries lib/include/bin to VC+ Directory .

And final step, i build the webkit with VS2005 sp1.

All dependencies of webkit are built successfully, but webkit.dll is not.

The compiler said that "WebKit - 5 error(s), 2 warning(s)"

Here are errors from BuildLog.htm of building webkit.dll

Compiling resources...
Performing Pre-Link Event...
        1 file(s) copied.
        1 file(s) copied.
Compiling manifest to resources...
   Creating library F:\cygwin\home\toanpq\webkit\WebKitBuild\lib\WebKit.lib
and object F:\cygwin\home\toanpq\webkit\WebKitBuild\lib\WebKit.exp
LINK : warning LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:msimg32.dll ignored; no imports found
from msimg32.dll
*WebCore_debug.lib(JSBindingsAllInOne.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved
external symbol "public: static struct JSC::ClassInfo const
JSC::RegExpObject::info" (?info at RegExpObject@JSC@@2UClassInfo at 2@B)
WebCore_debug.lib(JSBindingsAllInOne.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved
external symbol "public: __thiscall JSC::RegExpObject::RegExpObject(class
JSC::JSGlobalObject *,class WTF::NonNullPassRefPtr,class
WTF::NonNullPassRefPtr)" (??0RegExpObject at JSC@@QAE at PAVJSGlobalObject@1 at V
?$NonNullPassRefPtr at VStructure@JSC@@@WTF@@V?$NonNullPassRefPtr at VRegExp@JSC@
@@4@@Z) referenced in function "private: class JSC::JSValue __thiscall
(?readTerminal at CloneDeserializer@WebCore@@AAE?AVJSValue at JSC@@XZ)
WebCore_debug.lib(JSBindingsAllInOne.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved
external symbol "public: static class WTF::PassRefPtr __cdecl
JSC::RegExp::create(class JSC::JSGlobalData *,class JSC::UString const
&,class JSC::UString const &)" (?create at RegExp@JSC@
@SA?AV?$PassRefPtr at VRegExp@JSC@@@WTF@@PAVJSGlobalData at 2@ABVUString at 2@1 at Z)
referenced in function "private: class JSC::JSValue __thiscall
(?readTerminal at CloneDeserializer@WebCore@@AAE?AVJSValue at JSC@@XZ)
WebCore_debug.lib(JSBindingsAllInOne.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved
external symbol "private: static void __cdecl
JSC::ExecutablePool::systemRelease(class WTF::PageAllocation &)"
(?systemRelease at ExecutablePool@JSC@@CAXAAVPageAllocation at WTF@@@Z) referenced
in function "public: __thiscall JSC::ExecutablePool::~ExecutablePool(void)"
(??1ExecutablePool at JSC@@QAE at XZ)*
F:\cygwin\home\toanpq\webkit\WebKitBuild\bin\WebKit.dll : fatal error
LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals
Project : warning PRJ0018 : The following environment variables were not
Build machine environment variables may not be correct.

If you know how to solve, please help me.

Many thanks for any help from you.
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