[webkit-help] JSMouseEvent.[cpp|h]?

Muriel Bowie muriel.bowie at unifr.ch
Wed Jun 23 08:46:22 PDT 2010


I have tried to add a uniqueDeviceId to mouse events in Webkit to
provide multipointer support in Javascript. Although my solution
works, I am sure its not implemented the way it should be: I am
basically adding the uniqueDeviceId to
WebKitBuild/Release/DerivedSources/JSMouseEvent.[h|cpp] :)

In the files it says that they were generated by generate-bindings.pl,
but I couldn't quite figure out how they are generated. Could anyone
help me out with this?

Platform: Archlinux, gtk-3.0
Webkit version: trunk

Thank you,

key :: 0x6070C31A

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