[webkit-help] Cyclic dependency error when using xlC on AIX

Pankaj Jangid pankaj.jangid at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 21:06:06 PST 2010

In debug mode the optimization option -O3 is not used. Adding this option
builds the code to finish. Removing this option causes compilation error.

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Pankaj Jangid <pankaj.jangid at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I am buiding Qt 4.5.3 with webkit (QtWebkit) on AIX. I have ported the code
> to build QtWebkit to compile properly with compiler xlC_r (v7) on AIX. The
> code is now building properly with -release mode but sample application is
> generating a segfault. Following is the debugger (dbx) output.
> =======================================================================
> % dbx ./webkit_proto
> Type 'help' for help.
> reading symbolic information ...
> (dbx) run
> Segmentation fault in fastMalloc__3WTFFUl at 0xd444176c ($t1)
> 0xd444176c (fastMalloc__3WTFFUl+0x28) 9163beef        stw   r11,-16657(r3)
> (dbx) where
> fastMalloc__3WTFFUl() at 0xd444176c
> __ct__Q2_3WTF6VectorXTQ2_7WebCore6StringSP0_FRCQ2_3WTF6VectorXTQ2_7WebCore6StringSP0_()
> at 0xd4639c6c
> __ct__Q2_7WebCore19ResourceRequestBaseFRCQ2_7WebCore19ResourceRequestBase()
> at 0xd4638430
> __ct__Q2_7WebCore14DocumentLoaderFRCQ2_7WebCore15ResourceRequestRCQ2_7WebCore14SubstituteData()
> at 0xd461fe4c
> create__Q2_7WebCore14DocumentLoaderFRCQ2_7WebCore15ResourceRequestRCQ2_7WebCore14SubstituteData()
> at 0xd4ce7af0
> createDocumentLoader__Q2_7WebCore19FrameLoaderClientQtFRCQ2_7WebCore15ResourceRequestRCQ2_7WebCore14SubstituteData()
> at 0xd4ce7920
> init__Q2_7WebCore11FrameLoaderFv() at 0xd47bffc4
> init__Q2_7WebCore5FrameFv() at 0xd46656e0
> init__16QWebFramePrivateFP9QWebFramePQ2_7WebCore4PageP13QWebFrameData() at
> 0xd4cbda1c
> __ct__9QWebFrameFP8QWebPageP13QWebFrameData() at 0xd4cbdeb4
> createMainFrame__15QWebPagePrivateFv() at 0xd4cad98c
> mainFrame__8QWebPageCFv() at 0xd4cb3010
> setViewportSize__8QWebPageCFRC5QSize() at 0xd4cb30f4
> setView__8QWebPageFP7QWidget() at 0xd4cb2eec
> __ct__8QWebPageFP7QObject() at 0xd4cb2de0
> page__8QWebViewCFv() at 0xd52218f0
> setHtml__8QWebViewFRC7QStringRC4QUrl() at 0xd5221a4c
> Browser(QWidget*)(0x20044cb8, 0x0), line 10 in "browser.cpp"
> main(argc = 1, argv = 0x2ff22034), line 7 in "main.cpp"
> =======================================================================
> To my surprize the ported code is producing compile time errors when using
> -debug configure option. There is a cyclic dependency in code and the xlC
> compiler (v7) doesn't handle forward declaration properly in templates. But
> I am not sure why this code is compiling in release mode and not in debug
> mode.
> The compilation error comes while processing file
> JavaScriptCore/parser/Parser.cpp. The error is shown in file
> JavaScriptCore/wtf/RefPtr.h for undefined class FuncDeclNode.
> In summary, I have two problems:-
> 1. Compilation in debug mode. How to trick the compiler (xlC v7) to build
> the code when using forward declarations and templates both?
> 2. If not 1 then can somebody give me any idea why this above error is
> produced? Using the hint I'll try to fix the issue in release mode.
> --
> Regards
> Pankaj
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