[webkit-gtk] Unable to build dependencies for webkitgtk on raspbian

Adrian Perez de Castro aperez at igalia.com
Thu May 9 06:28:36 PDT 2019

Hi again,

I have one more comment below...

On Thu, 09 May 2019 15:16:01 +0300, Adrian Perez de Castro <aperez at igalia.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 09 May 2019 06:41:54 +0530, Arvind Arvind Pro <arvind_dev at arvind.pro> wrote:
> > One more problem I noticed just now-
> >  
> > [1]https://trac.webkit.org/wiki/BuildingGtk
> >  
> > The above points to the Webkit repo in SVN, and not the webkitGTK repo. So
> > how do I get the code from SVN? Also is it sufficient to get the release
> > tarball available at the site? Because I cannot run the command in Step2 -
> The WebKit repository contains all the WebKit ports, including of course
> the GTK port. If you only want to build WebKitGTK, and not planning to do
> development work on WebKitGTK itself, I would recommend using the tarballs
> for stable releases. You can find all the releases at the following address:
>    https://webkitgtk.org/releases/
> At the moment of writing, version 2.24.1 is the most recent release.
> > Download and build all JHBuild modules:
> >
> >   $ Tools/Scripts/update-webkitgtk-libs
> >
> > The command cannot run in the code in the release tarball because there is
> > no folder "Scripts" within it. Hence  the code from SVN is required.
> The “Scripts/” subdirectory from the WebKit repository contains tools for
> developers, and in general are not needed for making a release build. When
> building from a tarball, you use CMake [1] directly. The typical build
> process would be the following for 2.24.1, assuming that you already have
> the tarball downloaded:
>   % tar -xJf webkitgtk-2.24.1.tar.xz
>   % mkdir build && cd $_
>   % cmake -GNinja -DPORT=GTK -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ../webkitgtk-2.24.1
>   % ninja && ninja install

I forgot to mention that the CMake invocation above will try to enable the
default feature set. If some dependency is not found, you can still try
to disable them as suggested by Alberto in his earlier message. For example
OpenJPEG usage can be disabled adding “-DUSE_OPENJPEG=OFF” to the CMake

Regarding packages which may not be available in Debian Stretch, you can
check if they are available in stretch-backports repository, otherwise you
will need to either build the dependencies yourself or to disable some
WebKit features.

> ---
> [1] https://cmake.org
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