[webkit-gtk] WebkitGtk+ does not stop loading immediately

Carlos Garcia Campos cgarcia at igalia.com
Fri Jan 29 23:35:07 PST 2016

El lun, 04-01-2016 a las 20:09 +0100, JeanLuc escribió:
> Hi Guys and Girls,
> Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but here it goes:
> I am using Webkit2Gtk+ in my RSS-Reader to display the articles.
> But I have issues when the user is switching very fast between
> articles or the articles are very big/with lots of images or videos.
> Once a new article is selected I immediately cancel the loading of
> the current one with "stop_loading()".
> Then I wait until the "load_failed"-signal is triggered with the
> "webkit_network_error_cancelled" error. Only after that I start
> loading the new article.
> But still, sometimes after stopping the loading I receive
> "load_changed"-events after the successful cancel.
> Here is a small part of a log that displays the problem:
> > [ DEBUG ] ArticleView: load article 91799
> > [ DEBUG ] ArticleView: load STARTED
> > [ DEBUG ] ArticleView: load COMMITTED
> > [ DEBUG ] ArticleView: load FINISHED
> > [ DEBUG ] contentPage: set headerbar
> > [ DEBUG ] ArticleView: load article 92595
> > [ DEBUG ] ArticleView: load STARTED
> > [ DEBUG ] ArticleView: load COMMITTED
> > [ DEBUG ] contentPage: set headerbar
> > [ DEBUG ] ArticleView: load article 92675
> > [ DEBUG ] ArticleView: load FINISHED
> > [ DEBUG ] contentPage: set headerbar
> > [ DEBUG ] ArticleView: load article 93127
> > [ DEBUG ] ArticleView: load STARTED
> > [ DEBUG ] ArticleView: load COMMITTED
> > [ DEBUG ] contentPage: set headerbar
> > [ DEBUG ] ArticleView: load article 91940
> > [ DEBUG ] ArticleView: load FINISHED
> As you can see the first article (91799) is loading fine. The second
> one is (92595) is canceled before it is finished loading by the next
> request (92675)
> but the "WebKit.LoadEvent.FINISHED" is still reached afterwards. The
> same problem with article 93127 that should be canceled by 91940.
> Only difference is, article 93127 finishes loading after it should be
> already canceled and article 91940 never starts loading.
> So the wrong article is now shown in the article-view of my
> application.
> Sometimes not only the wrong article is shown but only a white blank
> page (but I could not reproduce this right now).
> What I want the code to do is, load the requested article immediately
> and cancel the old load request.

This is the default behavior of all load methods, if there's an ongoing
load it's silently cancelled and the new one is started. So, I don't
think you need to manually cancel the current load and wait to be
notified, just load the new contents.

> When a URL in the loaded article is clicked it should open in the
> default browser.
> This is the WebkitGtk+ relevant part of my code: http://pastebin.com/
> v9QdE1FN
> Or if someone wants to have a look at all of it:  http://bazaar.launc
> hpad.net/~eviltwin1/feedreader/master/view/head:/src/Widgets/ArticleV
> iew.vala
> Here is also a bug report of someone else having the same issues with
> the application: https://bugs.launchpad.net/feedreader/+bug/1529872
> Can anyone help me with this? :)
> Thx in advance
> Jan Lukas
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Carlos Garcia Campos

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