[webkit-gtk] Accelerated compositing support in wayland.

Carlos Garcia Campos cgarcia at igalia.com
Thu Feb 4 22:45:29 PST 2016

El vie, 05-02-2016 a las 13:53 +0900, ChangSeok Oh escribió:
> Hello folks.
> I wonder how the AC support in wayland environment is going. As I 
> remember, some discussion happened during last hackfest. So what is
> the 
> decided approach to bring the AC into wayland world?
> Is there anyone working on it? If so, could you share remaining work
> ro 
> to-do list?
> If necessary, I'd like to help to make the feature go forward.

I don't think anybody is actually working on it, but there's a patch
here https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=118944.

From what I understood during the hackfest discussions, we basically
have two options here. Try to land the patch in bug #118944 or finish
the threaded compositor, and then move the compositing to the UI,
implementing also the wayland support as discussed. Or maybe we can
simply land the patch first, I really don't know what's missing with
the current patch or if the approach is good enough. 

Carlos Garcia Campos

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