[webkit-gtk] webkit2gtk resources

Jose jmalv04 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 09:20:11 PDT 2014

I think the api is general enough that should accommodate tool users
(as it did in webkit1).

I think collecting "got-chunk" pieces and  assembling them again is
replicating what the code is already doing.
Did you get any suggestions on alternative ways to do this ?

Wrt frames, I am only looking for the raw frame html, as this is a
subresource of the main_resource. And as such
the raw frame html content could/should be exposed in the UI process
(the subresource is there but the content
is empty).

I understand the separation between the UI and the network/web process
but the devil is in the details. Is there any
sample code of a specific web extension doing something useful ?

On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 6:07 PM, Victor Lucero
<victor.lucero at ipartner.cl> wrote:
> Comments below
> El 28-08-2014, a las 11:51, Jose <jmalv04 at gmail.com> escribió:
>> thanks, comments below
>> On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 4:32 PM, Victor Lucero
>> <victor.lucero at ipartner.cl> wrote:
>>> 1)Got the actual data for all the resources been downloaded its a bit
>>> tricky. in our case we use webkit_get_default_session() to access the soup
>>> main session and attach a "request-queued” event into it so for each element
>>> downloaded you could access the soup-message, and for each soup-message you
>>> can attach "got-chunk” so every piece of data is send to that event and you
>>> need to manually store it to get its length and contents-  sadly this events
>>> was removed in libsoup 2.39.4 if I remember well. but thanks that its open
>>> source I patched that feature back (ugly but I was desperate) if you want i
>>> cane send you that patch , its works in the latest version of lib soup used
>>> by webkitgtk and webkit2gtk.
>>> Sadly there is no element in the api to get or catch the frames that are
>>> created in a webpage, the guys here told me to file a bug asking for this
>>> feature in webkit2gtk but in the old API is present via the signal
>>> “frame-created” over a web_view or frame. I think i will file that bug
>>> because i need that functionality but im still working with the old API.
>> This approach seems overly complicated but it may well be the only
>> approach with webkit2. Please do send me
>> the patch as it will help me learn a bit more about this.
> isn’t thaaat complicated. just attach some signals to the soup engine and wait to the contents and store them for later use.
> i attached the patch but remember this only bring back the “got-chunk” functionality to the soup-message object of lib soup. it has nothing to do directly with webkitgtk.
> (the path its just the diff between the version of the file when the feature was removed so this code isn mine ok?)
>> I think we should get guidance from the webkit2gtk developers (most
>> code I've looked at is written by Carlos G,
>> and it's nicely crafted :))
>> I found that webkit1 had a wekit_web_view_get_subresources
>> http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/143302
>> but it was removed for webkit2. I think something like that with a
>> custom timeout to limit the caching of resources
>> might be useful but there might be a better approach.
>>> 2) the method and patch described in point 1 also works for all the elements
>>> that pass throughout the browser so all the elementos downloaded by the
>>> flash and the fly itself can be obtained :)
>> Aha! This is then very useful. But still I think getting the
>> subresources (in my case I collect them
>> manually, via resource-load-started) should also include the frame raw
>> content. The subresource
>> seems to be there and the content is missing (unless I am missing something).
>> Also, I wanted some guidance on how to approach this with the new plugin changes
>> http://blogs.igalia.com/carlosgc/2014/08/06/gtk-3-plugins-in-webkitgtk-and-evince-browser-plugin/
>> I want to detect when a specific plugin loader is being called and the
>> content file.
>>> 3) how are you capturing these screenshots? We do screenshots accessing
>>> Cairo but our tool make sure that the page is full loaded, also found that
>>> some pages just crash the xlib if the page is too heavy and you don’t use a
>>> scrollview to contain it. please, tell me more details about this issue.
>> I do very basic stuff but it works nicely. Just check the testing code
>> for how to use
>> webkit_web_view_get_snaphsot. Crashing shouldn't be a problem with the
>> new process model.
>> Ping me offline if you need some ideas.
>>> I hope this help
>> yes definitely.

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