[webkit-gtk] Fwd: SeedKit library and SeedKit Viewer 0.1 Release Announcement

Alexandre Mazari scaroo at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 09:54:08 PDT 2010

= SeedKit library and SeedKit Viewer 0.2 Release =

The SeedKit project is happy to announce the simultaneous 0.2 releases of
SeedKit library and viewer.
Tester, documentation writer, hybrid applications developers
and contributors are welcome to test/modify/contribute. Any help
gladly appreciated.

This release mostly focuses on reducing the complexity of having SeedKit
up and running by improving the compilation, documentation and packaging

* This is unstable development release. While it has had a bit of testing,
 there are certainly plenty of bugs
 remaining to be found. This release should not be used in production.
* No API compatibility guarantee is provided. The interfaces are susceptible to
 change until the 1.0 release.

== What's new ? ==
* Lower dependencies versions requirements (depends on Gtk+-2.0)
* The Seedkit library now has proper Gtk-doc
* Debian control file and rpm spec file generation
* SeedKit viewer command-line now uses file path instead of URI
* Fix: example directory is present in dist files
* Seedkit viewer now sports a man page
* Experimental binary packages

== What it does ? ==

Using SeedKit, a developer might define the user his native application UI
(or a part of it) in pure web standard technologies (HTML/CSS/Javascript).
SeedKit might run stand-alone (seedkit-viewer) or embedded within
an existing Gtk+ application (library).

== What is it ? ==

The SeedKit project currently consists of two modules:

* SeedKit library: HTML view Gtk+ widget with access to lower-level libraries
 and systems within its Javascript environment. It relies heavily on
the Gtk+ port
 of WebKit [0] and Seed [1]. Licensed under the LGPL 3+[2] terms.

* SeedKit viewer: a simple command-line viewer/launcher for "web-designed"
 native applications. Licensed under the GPL 3+ [3] terms.

Examples of hybrid applications are provided in the examples/ directory of the
seedkit-viewer package. Running those might need the installation of
gobject-introspection description packages (debian: gir1.0-*, fedora: *-devel)

== Download ==

Source packages:
SeedKit library 0.2:
SeedKit viewer 0.2:

Experimental binary packages are available for this release:
Ubuntu 10.10:
Fedora 14:

== Contact ==

Concidering its low maturity, expect to experience bugs and misbehavior.
Please report any issue, expectation or remark to the SeedKit mailing-list
at seedkit-list at gnome.org [4] until a proper bug-tracker is being set or used.
Of course, drop a mail on the list if you want to participate in the
SeedKit development too.

[0] http://webkitgtk.org/
[1] http://live.gnome.org/Seed
[2] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
[3] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
[4] http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/seedkit-list

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