[webkit-efl] minimal build as a guard of non-default build options

Ed Bartosh bartosh at gmail.com
Sat Mar 30 09:07:53 PDT 2013

Thank you! I didn't notice that.

Created bug to track --minimal build issues:
https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=113641. So far there is only one
failure. Let's see how it goes.


2013/3/30 Žan Doberšek <zandobersek at gmail.com>

> I believe similar functionality is already available by passing the
> '--minimal' flag to the build-webkit script. Check out the source script if
> it suffices your needs, but it basically disables all the features returned
> by the getFeatureOptionList method.
> Regards,
> -Z
> On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Ed Bartosh <bartosh at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Would it make sense to build webkit-efl with as many as possible build
>> options turned off as a method of guarding of non-default build options?
>> Of course it's not an absolute guarantee that some combination of options
>> fail a build, but I believe it's much better than buildiing with default
>> options only.
>> So far I come up with this method:
>> # grep option Tools/Scripts/webkitperl/FeatureList.pm | sed -n
>> 's/.*option => "\([^"]\+\)".*/--no-\1/p' |tr '\n' ' '
>> --no-3d-rendering --no-accelerated-2d-canvas --no-battery-status
>> --no-blob --no-canvas-path --no-canvas-proxy --no-channel-messaging
>> --no-csp-next --no-css-device-adaptation --no-css-exclusions
>> --no-css-filters --no-css3-conditional-rules --no-css3-text
>> --no-css3-text-line-break --no-css-box-decoration-break
>> --no-css-image-orientation --no-css-image-resolution --no-css-image-set
>> --no-css-regions --no-css-shaders --no-css-sticky-position
>> --no-css-compositing --no-css-transforms-animations-unprefixed
>> --no-css-variables --no-custom-scheme-handler --no-datalist
>> --no-data-transfer-items --no-details --no-device-orientation --no-dialog
>> --no-directory-upload --no-dom4-events-constructor --no-download-attribute
>> --no-file-system --no-filters --no-font-load-events --no-ftpdir
>> --no-fullscreen-api --no-gamepad --no-geolocation --no-high-dpi-canvas
>> --no-icon-database --no-iframe-seamless --no-indexed-database
>> --no-input-speech --no-input-type-color --no-input-type-date
>> --no-input-type-datetime --no-input-type-datetimelocal
>> --no-input-type-month --no-input-type-time --no-input-type-week
>> --no-inspector --no-javascript-debugger --no-legacy-notifications
>> --no-legacy-vendor-prefixes --no-legacy-web-audio --no-link-prefetch
>> --no-link-prerender --no-mathml --no-media-capture --no-media-source
>> --no-media-statistics --no-media-stream --no-meter-tag --no-mhtml
>> --no-microdata --no-mouse-cursor-scale --no-navigator-content-utils
>> --no-netscape-plugin-api --no-network-info --no-nosniff --no-notifications
>> --no-orientation-events --no-page-visibility-api --no-performance-timeline
>> --no-progress-tag --no-proximity-events --no-quota
>> --no-resolution-media-query --no-resource-timing
>> --no-request-animation-frame --no-scripted-speech --no-shadow-dom
>> --no-shared-workers --no-sql-database --no-style-scoped
>> --no-suid-linux-sandbox --no-svg --no-svg-dom-objc-bindings --no-svg-fonts
>> --no-system-malloc --no-template-element --no-text-autosizing
>> --no-tiled-backing-store --no-threaded-html-parser --no-touch-events
>> --no-touch-slider --no-touch-icon-loading --no-user-timing --no-vibration
>> --no-video --no-video-track --no-webgl --no-web-audio --no-web-sockets
>> --no-web-timing --no-workers --no-xhr-timeout --no-xslt
>> Do you think this build would make sense? Would it improve the current
>> situation? Any other ideas for the list of options that would make more
>> sense than above list?
>> --
>> BR,
>> Ed
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