[webkit-dev] Generating compile_commands.json when building WebKit on MacOS

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Mon Jul 20 03:56:31 PDT 2020

20.07.2020, 13:13, "shrivatsa at firemail.cc" <shrivatsa at firemail.cc>:
> Hi webkit-dev,
> I'm trying to study the structure of web browsers in general and WebKit
> specifically for academic purposes. I found that using language servers
> that index compile_commands.json (clangd, ccls etc.) is a very good
> solution to navigate source code of extremely large projects, such as
> WebKit.
> Unfortunately, I was only able to get compile_commands.json generated
> when I compiled with --jsc-only where the build is executed using cmake
> and not the perl script. Trying to pass --cmake as a build argument to
> build-webkit causes the build to fail pretty early for missing files
> (that I believe aren't open source).

No, these files were just removed from tree or renamed recently, and Mac/cmake
doesn't have EWS bot so such breakages happen regularly. However, it should
be possible to fix such error just by looking at git log for missing file paths and
figuring out what happened to respective files, i.e. should the be removed from
cmake or replaced with a different file path. Feel free to contribute patches if you
happen to fix anything.

> To wrap it up, I wonder if there's a way to compile WebKit as a browser
> (and not just JavaScriptCore) and have compile_commands.json generated?
> platform: osx
> arch: x86_64
> commit: 521d40b
> Thanks,
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