[webkit-dev] [Block Pointer] Deterministic Region Based Memory Manager

Ryosuke Niwa rniwa at webkit.org
Fri Mar 4 21:07:41 PST 2016

Hi Phil,

You made a similar post in December 2014:

Are you suggesting you have done or ready to do the following?

> Let’s be clear, though: we’re unlikely to accept a patch in which all of our JS object references are replaced by uses of your block_ptr, unless that patch is a significant speed-up on web benchmarks, there aren’t any slow-downs, and you can prove that all of the JSC GC’s lifetime semantics are preserved (including tricky things like the relationship between Executable objects, Structure objects, and CodeBlocks).

Otherwise, I don't think we would be adopting your memory management
library anytime soon.   I don't think we're interested in
experimenting with your library on behalf of you either given
implementing a concurrent GC on top of our existing GC would be much
lower risk and will address some of the issues you have pointed out in
the thread.

On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 8:22 PM, Phil Bouchard <philippeb8 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I already posted this a couple of years ago but my code wasn't robust back
> then.  Now my memory manager is pretty robust and I was wondering if there
> is any interests to integrate this into WebKit to replace the current
> garbage collector.  AFAIK the latter doesn't run well on embedded platforms
> hence the need to replace it.
> My code can be found here:
> https://github.com/philippeb8/block_ptr/
> And a quick overview can be found here:
> http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/philippeb8/block_ptr/blob/master/doc/index.html
> Finally a very complex example (on Linux x86-64 and Win x86-64) of all sort
> of cyclic reference handling can be found here:
> https://github.com/philippeb8/block_ptr/blob/master/example/block_ptr_test2.cpp
> Regards,
> -Phil
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