[webkit-dev] Removing webkit prefix from CSS Shapes properties?

Bem Jones-Bey bjonesbe at adobe.com
Thu Oct 30 08:27:58 PDT 2014

Sorry about the delay in responding, the last couple of days have been crazy. 

We have been working on fixing both the tests and any bugs in the implementation. It sounds like we should bring this up again once we've finished that work. 

However, to answer Sam's question about other implementations, Chrome and Opera have shipped unprefixed, and we're keeping the Blink Implementation in sync with the WebKit one, including importing the CSSWG test suite for shapes. Firefox and IE have not shipped an implementation yet, but both have given us positive signals. 

Thanks for the feedback,

> On Oct 29, 2014, at 23:17, Benjamin Poulain <benjamin at webkit.org> wrote:
> Any update on this?
> There are a quite a few open bugs for CSS shapes. A lot of tests are skipped too: http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/LayoutTests/TestExpectations#L137
> CSS Shapes is really neat, it would be great to polish the implementation and unprefix.
> Benjamin
>> On 10/27/14, 11:46 AM, Sam Weinig wrote:
>> Can you give us an overview of what other browsers have shipped CSS Shapes and how interoperable they are (e.g are they all passing a shared test suite)?
>> -Sam
>>> On Oct 27, 2014, at 11:42 AM, Bem Jones-Bey <bjonesbe at adobe.com> wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> Chrome shipped CSS Shapes un-prefixed. The spec has been in CR for awhile now, with no changes in behavior. I keep on coming across content that uses CSS Shapes but doesn't use the prefixed version, so it doesn't work in Safari. Any objections to enabling un-prefixxed versions of CSS Shapes properties in WebKit?
>>> - Bem
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