[webkit-dev] Removing webkit prefix from CSS Shapes properties?

Benjamin Poulain benjamin at webkit.org
Wed Oct 29 23:17:06 PDT 2014

Any update on this?

There are a quite a few open bugs for CSS shapes. A lot of tests are 
skipped too: 
CSS Shapes is really neat, it would be great to polish the 
implementation and unprefix.


On 10/27/14, 11:46 AM, Sam Weinig wrote:
> Can you give us an overview of what other browsers have shipped CSS Shapes and how interoperable they are (e.g are they all passing a shared test suite)?
> -Sam
>> On Oct 27, 2014, at 11:42 AM, Bem Jones-Bey <bjonesbe at adobe.com> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Chrome shipped CSS Shapes un-prefixed. The spec has been in CR for awhile now, with no changes in behavior. I keep on coming across content that uses CSS Shapes but doesn't use the prefixed version, so it doesn't work in Safari. Any objections to enabling un-prefixxed versions of CSS Shapes properties in WebKit?
>> - Bem
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