[webkit-dev] Subject: Windows CE port in WebKit: status, future work

Patrick Gansterer paroga at paroga.com
Fri Jan 31 13:36:49 PST 2014

On 31.01.2014, at 22:10, Anders Carlsson <andersca at apple.com> wrote

> looks like the last legitimate commit to the Windows CE port was on November 3rd November 2013, almost 3 months ago.

What's the minimum upstream interval for downstream fixes to show ongoing activity?

> I also seem to remember that there’s no version of MSVC for Windows CE that can handle the C++11 features that we now use in WebKit. (Correct me if I’m wrong on this!)

Windows Embedded Compact 2013 updated the compiler for CE.

> With this in mind, does it make sense to keep the Windows CE port in the tree or should we remove it?

Does it hurt somebody in the daily workflow? If yes, where exactly?
I'm still working on getting rid of WebKit/wince by merging it into WebKit/win (with only a few #if WINCE) to reduce the impact of the WinCE port, but it's hard if there is nobody who finds time for reviewing patches. :-/ (e.g. webkit.org/b/119518 or webkit.org/b/123803 waiting for months - but I don't want to blame somebody by this!)


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