[webkit-dev] Gated trunk, experiences from OpenStack

Tim Ansell mithro at mithis.com
Mon Feb 4 17:14:52 PST 2013

Hey guys,

Last week a number of the team here at Google Sydney, including myself
attended Linux.conf.au 2013 conference. The conference was a blast and the
hot topic this year was OpenStack, an Open Source Cloud layer.

The OpenStack project has grown from being a small project to having over
500 active committers and continues to grow at a rapid pace. Both
the Continuous Integration Miniconf (
http://lca2013.linux.org.au/schedule/30102/view_talk?day=monday) and main
conference included talks from OpenStack leaders about how they have tried
to handle this growth and I think we can learn from their successes and
failures. All of the OpenStack's infrastructure is documented in the
following talks http://openstack-ci.github.com/publications/

I pulled the following stats to see how comparable the projects are;

OpenStack; (

   - Over 500 Active Technical Contributors
      - As many as 200 trunk changes an hour
      - 18 (integrated) projects (and growing)

I tried looking these up in WebKit and got the following;

   - ~200 active contributors
      - As many as ~12 trunk changes an hour
      - 1 project, but 7 target platforms

One of the most interesting parts of OpenStack was having a "gated trunk".

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