[webkit-dev] SWF File with flv/f4v streaming from server doesn't play with the webkit application.

AVINASH H R avinashhr at tataelxsi.co.in
Tue Jan 10 23:11:27 PST 2012


I have developed an application using webkit which plays back youtube videos, SWF files and flv/f4v files.

For playing back flv/f4v files I have a swf file created using actionscript.

This swf file looks for an xml file at a predefined path. This xml file contains path to a flv/f4v file. The swf file plays back this flv/f4v file in my application using adobe flash player plugin.

When I give any "local"  flv/f4v file in the xml file, the SWF file plays fine. But if I give a "streaming" url [http://pseudo01.hddn.com/vod/demo.flowplayervod/Extremists.flv] SWF file doesn't get played.

I cross verified in firefox and chrome, I am getting the same result as my application is responding.

When I take the same swf file to a Windows7 machine [64 Bit], it works fine in Adobe Flash Player 11.1.

Can anyone tell me why am I not able to play flv/f4v streaming url files.

I am using:

OS: FC15, 64 Bit

Kernel: 3.0


chrome: latest

firefox: 4.x

Flash Player:



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