[webkit-dev] Fwd: Fwd: HTML5 & MathML3 entities

Adam Barth abarth at webkit.org
Fri Sep 17 13:28:00 PDT 2010

2010/9/17 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap at webkit.org>:
> 17.09.2010, в 13:04, Adam Barth написал(а):
>> This seems like a discusion that should take place in the HTML working group.
> I brought this up on WHATWG mailing list a while ago, and the response was that HTML5 will say whatever http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-entity-names/ says. I didn't seek joining the W3C Math Working Group that produced xml-entity-names.
> As mentioned before, I don't feel too strongly about this, just that it would be better for an engine with more market share to make this incompatible change first, making sure that at least some of (potential) broken content broken will be updated. Firefox nightlies reportedly have this, but not shipping versions.

As far as I can tell, Firefox is shipping this change as soon as they
can (i.e., it's in beta now).


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