[webkit-dev] MathML Project Contact etc.

Zoltan Horvath zoltan at webkit.org
Fri Jan 15 01:03:42 PST 2010

On Friday 15 January 2010, at 07:32, Alex Milowski wrote:
> I'm presenting my MathML in WebKit work tomorrow at the Joint AMS/MAA
> meeting here in San Francisco.  

Will somebody record the presentation?

> After looking through my slides I feel
> that I'm unsatisfied with what I'm telling people about where to go for
> more information or to contribute to the project.
> I'd like a better way for:
>    * MathML in WebKit related discussions to take place,

I think webkit-dev, and bugzilla is the best place for it. You can make URLs 
to the thread starting mails in the trac.

>    * dissemination of status,

Trac, webkit-dev, WebKit blog.

>    * collection of test cases, plans, roadmaps,

Trac, bugzilla.

>    * builds of a MathML enabled WebKit for testers.

The best way would be to push the MathML sources into the trunk somehow... The 
patch has been in the bugzilla for a long long time. Any reviewers? (#29529, 

> While some of this can take place on the wiki, a separate mailing list
> might be better for MathML+WebKit specific discussions.

Separate mail list is a good idea, but not for this open source contributing. 
I think webkit-dev has the biggest visibility, so this would be the best place 
for MathML discussions.

> What's the standard practice for this kind of thing?  I could certainly go
> start a google group for this kind of discussion.

You can also make a bugzilla post for this discuccions and CCing the people 
who are interested in.

I hope MathML's code will be in the trunk at the earliest! 


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