[webkit-dev] URL attributes

Yael.Aharon at nokia.com Yael.Aharon at nokia.com
Thu Oct 15 09:41:06 PDT 2009

I am working on implementation of "URL decomposition IDL attributes" for HTMLAnchorElement.
<http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/text-level-semantics.html#the-a-element> and

I have 2 questions regarding this work:

1) According to RFC 3986 paragraph 3, a hierarchical URL is a URL that starts with  scheme +  ':'  + "//" , but the implementation of KURL::isHierarchical() checks only for one slash .
Was this intentional, or an error?

2) Some URL attributes can be set only for a "server-based-naming-authority" (defined in RFC 2396 paragraph 3.2.2) . I need a reliable way to determine that for the given URL.
Does "server-based-naming-authority"  mean http/https/ftp schemes?

thanks, Yael

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