[webkit-dev] Building WebToolKit

Adam Roben aroben at apple.com
Tue Mar 31 08:53:18 PDT 2009

On Mar 31, 2009, at 7:51 AM, Angrez Singh wrote:

> I tried building webtoolkit using the instructions given on the  
> site. I can't proceed further as it is not able to find  
> VCExpress.exe in c:\program files.
> I have installed full version of VS 2005 SP1 on my machine. The real  
> question is why it is looking for VCExpress.exe and why only in c: 
> \program files. Most of people don't install it in that directory.  
> They use custom directory.

The Windows WebKit build currently only works when Visual Studio or  
Visual C++ Express is installed in the default location. When we set  
up the build process, we assumed that most people would use the  
default location. Maybe that assumption is wrong. But it was certainly  

> Can that be changed to check where Visual Studio is installed (by  
> checking registry) and then using it in build process?

Yes, that sounds like a good change to make. Would you be willing to  
file a bug at http://webkit.org/new-bug (and maybe even make a patch)?


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