[webkit-dev] li with position outside combined with img float left problem

Magnus Rembold magnus.rembold at munterbund.de
Thu Feb 5 11:41:58 PST 2009

Hi All!

I think there is a problem with the alignment of <li> elements when  
they are besides a floated element (say a <div> with float: left;  
width: auto; and an <img> inside). They seem to orient themselves with  
the beginning of the text on the margin that is set for the floating  
element. What they should do is align themselves with their bullets at  
the margin. Especially if list-style-position: outside;is set.

A complete description of the problem with source HTML and inline CSS  
together with images can be found here:

My question is: this is obviously not as is should be. Do the  
"standards" require that this is displayed this way? Or is it only a  
part of the rendering, that's considered "not important"? Or will it  
be fixed in some way? Everybody that I asked told me to format <li> in  
a completely awkward way with background pictures and so on. This  
shouldn't be necessary or am I wrong?

Thanks kindly for your replys, comments or suggestions!
Best regards,


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