[webkit-dev] webkit s60 build errors

Marcus Groeber marcus.groeber.at.nuance at bugcom.de
Thu Jul 31 00:49:16 PDT 2008

Jack Wootton schrieb:
> I'm surprised that the code is still broken, that's quite a lot of
> version numbers between 21772 and 25254.
> I'm also confused that WebKit-S60 only builds with the SDK S60 and not
> S60 FP 1 or FP 2.  Rather strangely, the only Nokia phones that
> support the Web RunTime environment are those that use S60 FP 2.  So
> why would the phones that support WRT be using FP2, but webkit-s60
> won't build with s60 FP 2 (or FP1)?
It seems that this branch has been effectively abandoned by Nokia (see 
other post for speculations as to why...), and hasn't been maintained 
any more for the last year or so. There have been a few attempts by 
individual developers to still salvage something useful from it - this 
here is probably the most useful thread discussing the results of those 


ciao marcus

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