[webkit-dev] Signal 9 when linking on ARM

Joe Foster joefoster62 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 04:36:37 PST 2008

Thanks for the tip.
Do you know anything about the sig?
I'm in the process of setting up Scratchbox for the cross compile...Is there
an easier way some up to date documentation on how to cross compile.  I
geneally use debian.  When I try to download the latest libs for webkit,
debian also wants to download a different set of C libs and then that just
messes up everything...

Any detailed suggestions or pointers would be great.  Newbie to webkit and
scratchbox, generally a kernel and drivers person...


On Feb 16, 2008 3:47 AM, Sriram Neelakandan <sriram.neelakandan at gmail.com>

> Are u trying to compile webkit on a 256 MB ARM device ?
> If its for the device, you should be cross compiling from x86
> On Feb 16, 2008 3:08 AM, Joe Foster <joefoster62 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > New to the list, so please if this is a FAQ, please be gentle.  And
> > point me to the FAQ and or a way to search the archives.
> >
> > Seeing sig 9 (kill) when linking native on ARM.  I notice that memory
> > consumed is 95% of the 256M available.  Tried ld --no-keep-memory (or
> > similar) with no luck.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
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> --
> Sriram Neelakandan
> Author - Embedded Linux System Design And Development (
> http://tinyurl.com/2doosu)
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