[webkit-dev] Where does WebKit end and Safari begin on Windows?

Patrick Gostovic pgostovic at indigo.ca
Fri Apr 25 07:48:07 PDT 2008

Hi List.


My company is developing an in-store kiosk application using DHTML/Ajax,
etc.  It has to be Windows for a variety of reasons.  The goal is to
have a nice looking interface with lots of tasteful, fancy animations.
We were initially planning to use Internet Explorer to maximize hardware
peripheral integration (i.e. card reader, proximity sensor, etc.) and
most kiosk management software vendors assume IE; but needless to say
IE's performance is suboptimal.  Firefox is much better.  But Safari
blows them all away in every respect - JavaScript performance, rendering
speed of animations, overall prettiness, etc.  My big question... How
much of Safari's prowess can be attributed to WebKit?  I ask because I
have tried both Adobe Air's WebKit port and the latest QT QWebView
widget and I just don't see the same results - they are both good, but
not nearly as smooth and pretty.  Why is Safari so much better, and is
there any way to get that Safari experience in locked down fullscreen


Thanks for indulging.




p.s. apologies if this is not the appropriate forum for this question

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