[webkit-dev] Build Errors on windows

Fuenty, Chris chris.fuenty at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 20:48:47 PDT 2007

Amit Joshi wrote:
> I have been trying to build webkit on my XP box (running cygwin). I
> installed QT from a pre-compiled binary, but my qmake version seems to
> point to in-correct QT_INSTALL_PREFIX.
> As a result I am getting build errors ..
> Calling 'qmake -r OUTPUT_DIR=c:\ydev\webkit\WebKitBuild/Debug
> CONFIG+=qt-port c:\ydev\webkit/WebKit.pro CONFIG-=release
> CONFIG+=debug' in c:\ydev\webkit\WebKitBuild/Debug ...
> Failure to read QMAKESPEC conf file
> /usr/lib/qt3/mkspecs/cygwin-g++\qmake.conf.
> Error processing project file: c:/ydev/webkit/WebKit.pro
> Failed to setup build environment using qmake
> Is there any way to build webkit using visual studio (2005) and
> without the qmake ...?
> I would appreciate any suggestions on this -
> Thanks
> Amit
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I believe that QtWebKit on win32 must be compiled via MinGW gcc, not
Cygwin, that's what the trac wiki states.

Make sure the GNUWin32 utils bin and the MinGW bin (usually C:\Program
files\GnuWin32\bin and C:\MinGW\bin), along with your Qt bin dir
(C:\Qt\(version)\bin) is in your path, along with the QTBIN enviroment
variable (check the Qt Command prompt for the exact varname) set to the
Qt Bindir.

If I made an error here, someone feel free to correct it.


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