[webkit-dev] Should we consider switching to git over svn?

Mark Rowe bdash at webkit.org
Mon Oct 8 22:45:01 PDT 2007

On 09/10/2007, at 15:40, Oliver Hunt wrote:

>> ... and only follows the trunk, AFAICS. Whether you switch to git or
>> not, I'd like at least the feature-branch to be available in a git- 
>> svn
>> bridge.
> Git has it's own svn bridge, if you add
> [svn-remote "svn"]
>        url = http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit
>        fetch = trunk:refs/remotes/trunk
>        fetch = branches/feature-branch:refs/remotes/feature-branch
> to your .git/config file, you should be able to do
> git-svn fetch
> git checkout -b my-local-feature-branch feature-branch
> to checkout the feature-branch into local-feature-branch,  
> unfortunately this will take literally hours (i think more than 5),  
> this was the slowness i was talking about.

If this takes five hours then something is seriously wrong.  I did  
this recently and it did take a while, but it was not more than one  

- Mark

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