[webkit-dev] Re: Re: A newBie question about compilation (Artem Ananiev)

Artem Ananiev Artem.Ananiev at Sun.COM
Tue Oct 2 07:05:25 PDT 2007

Right, you can run your own build of WebKit (WebKit.dll) using Safari. The 
script 'run-safari', as I remember, searches for Safari at the default location 
only (c:\program files\safari\safari.exe), so you need to install Safari there 
or modify the script.


Eva Madrazo wrote:
> Thanks Artem,
> that was the problem!  I launch the build from windows shell and it 
> builds! :)
> now I want to test it, launching run-safari, but it doesnt work :( .  
> Debugging the script I see that it is trying to launch a safari.exe 
> command.
> But I have no safari.exe command in all my system. ¿Have I missed 
> something?  Perphaps I have to install safari in order to debug.. I do 
> not know..
> Thanks in advance,
>  Eva
>> Hi, Eva,
>> qmake knows nothing about cygwin path notation ('/cygdrive/d/...') so 
>> it cannot find the file. This problem may be easily workarounded by 
>> passing all the paths to qmake in the form of 'd:\...' (requires some 
>> modification to webkitdirs.pm script). You may use `cygpath` utility 
>> to convert paths.
>> Artem
>> Eva Madrazo wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am very new in this, including C++, symbian and webkit. So, 
>>> apologize for my questions if they are so basic...
>>> I was trying to compile webKit in a Windows XP proffesional.
>>> I have installed cygwin and Qt (for qmake command).
>>> I have download source code from subversion repository.
>>> Then, I access to Scripts directory and execute build-webkit and the 
>>> result is:
>>>     $ webkit/webkittools/scripts/build-webkit --debug
>>>     Checking mod-date of WebKitSupportLibrary.zip...
>>>     Current WebKitSupportLibrary is up to date
>>>     Calling 'qmake -r OUTPUT_DIR=/cygdrive/d/webkit/WebKitBuild/Debug
>>>     CONFIG+=qt-port /cygdrive/d/webkit/WebKit.pro CONFIG-=release CO
>>>     NFIG+=debug' in /cygdrive/d/webkit/WebKitBuild/Debug ...
>>>     Cannot find file: \cygdrive\d\webkit\WebKit.pro.
>>>     Failed to setup build environment using qmake!
>>> But indeed the file exists!!
>>>     $ ls /cygdrive/d/webkit/WebKit.pro
>>>     /cygdrive/d/webkit/WebKit.pro
>>> ¿What's the matter? ..
>>> By the way, I have not installed Visual C++ 2005 Express because I 
>>> would like to use Carbide C++ ... ¿Is this possible?
>>> Thank you very much,
>>>      Eva
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